Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bacon Muffins

These muffins aren't the healthiest but they are tasty. I used the British style bacon that was in stock at my local Coles. It is hickory smoked at the flavour is delicious but to be honest I don't think it was the best fit for these muffins. I enjoyed it served with poached eggs and toast where I could appreciate its flavour but it wasn't quite so distinct in this muffin recipe. Still delicious though!

As you can tell this is rather a lean piece of bacon. A decent amount of bacon fat really helps in this recipe. As politically incorrect as that may be. It really is a beautiful piece of bacon though. My extremely poor photography skills really aren't doing it any justice.

Bacon Muffins

6 short rashers of british-style bacon
220g SR flour
1 egg, lightly beaten
3/4 cup buttermilk or milk (in my opinion buttermilk gives a superior texture)
3/4 cup vegetable oil

Chop bacon and cook until crisp. Combine all ingredients in a bowl, taking care not to overmix. Spoon into lightly greased muffin tray and bake in a preheated moderate oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

The muffins are not showing full deliciousness here. I was in a hurry to eat them and took a photo while they were still warm and steamed up my very old camera. They are lovely served warm with butter but that is a little difficult to justify with all the oil in the recipe!

* This base recipe and the idea of adding bacon is from the cook's companion by Stephanie Alexander. The oil does sound like a large amount but gives an amazing texture.

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